Our company offers a comprehensive control and management system based on RFID technology in the livestock sector. The system is designed to facilitate and efficiently manage livestock registration, health, breeding, aging, and movement control for herdsmen and farmers.
The main advantage of this system is to register each animal using RFID chip and create an electronic database, you will be able to effectively monitor your animals, compile information and make reports, and make decisions easily.
The system records the complete personal information of each animal: from general information such as age, weight, sex, breed, etc. to detailed information such as vaccination and treatment history, breeding date and birth. This will allow you to not only monitor animal health, but also manage your livestock at a competitive level.
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Ulaanbaatar City, Chingeltei District, 5th Khoroo, MN Tower, 11th Floor, Room 1107
+976 8888 0417